there are times that forgiveness doesn't come easy. people that offend you, reject you, hurt you, are the first people you want to seek vengeance on. your emotions are raw, and you would like to take matters into your own hands. But i have learned that God is a god of justice, he will fight your battles he is your lawyer and will seek justice on your behalf. I have seen this in my life. God fought a battle for me, but he only went to war on my behalf when i let go and forgave the people that offended me. my Friends the first thing you want is to get even i know i understand, but give it to god, his justice is more powerful then your own.
You, may be required to do a hard thing, but God has given you the grace for the season that you're in.
That difficulty is not going to last forever. In the hard times, you have to keep reminding yourself that a reward is coming. God has promised that He will give you beauty for your ashes. He will pay you back for the sacrifices that you have made.Be encouraged today because your payday may be right around the corner. Keep doing the right thing even when it's hard, even when you don't see change. God is still working in your situation. Keep praying, keep hoping and keep believing because God wants to pour out His favor and blessing on every area of your life.
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV).
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV).
Baracka, thank you for sharing and the visual is as equally powerful. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteBaracka, this speaks to me so much right now. I have been needing to have a good talk with someone I have badly hurt in the past, and ask for forgiveness. I regret so much what I did, but cannot forgive myself until this person forgives me. It is hard to admit fault and wrongdoing, but the thought of how such a confession would be taken, and the consequences, scares me... eventhough I know that it is the right thing to do.
ReplyDeleteBaracka, what a lovely post. If we don't forgive those who hurt us, if we will seek the vengence, we will keep our suffering. The peace has to come from within.
ReplyDeleteBaracka, I want to thank you for your words of love and courage. I thought about your words "your spirit is strong" during my travels. My heartfelt thank you to you for these lines as they helped me in a very dark moment!
Beautiful! Isn't wonderful to know that we have all that we need right here, right now? Grace, mercy and love are in us for the rest of our lives, eternally.