Tuesday, May 8, 2012

saw this little guy this morning, he reminded me that even thought its dark, raining out and my circumstances bare the same resemblance life is to short to to be sad. so i decided to smile today and share a scripture and some encouragement keep moving forward my friends.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (psalms 23
We’ve all been in seasons of life when we feel like things aren’t going our way, or we’re not where we want to be. In these times, it’s tempting to let discouragement and doubt come in and take away the peace and excitement you once had.

You may be in one of those seasons right now, struggling to truly be happy where you are. But this is not the way God wants you to live. He tells us in scripture that even in the difficult times, He is with us. Even when you can’t see a way out, He will make a way through. Even when things don’t turn out the way we planned, He has a plan to turn things around for our good.

The key is, don’t get upset about your circumstances. Instead, be determined to walk through to victory. Declare by faith that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Declare by faith that you are rising higher. Keep standing, keep believing and keep hoping because God has a bright future in store for you!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sometimes we need a place of refuge, we need a place of safety, and we need a place to rest when we feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life — a place where the enemy of our soul can never find us.

The good news is that God has the perfect hiding place for you! You don’t have to hide in your job. You don’t have to hide in relationships. You don’t have to hide in food or addictions because God Himself promises to hide you! He freely offers you shelter from the storms of life any time you call upon His name.

"in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock" Psalm 25:5

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Love can heal the hurt...

Momma kiss the hurt
Band aids cover the hurt
Doctors medicate the hurt
Surgeons remove bits and peices of the hurt
Attorneys argue the hurt
Grandmas pray over for the hurt
But ONLY GOD can heal the hurt

Luke 8:50 Jesus said " dont be afraid just ahve Faith and she will be healed"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"in due time"

being frustrated does nothing for the situation you are in. I'm well aware of how one feels when you want things to be done "NOW" .. But God's timing is perfect.

Even when we don't think things will get better or that your life will change. God's good plan does take time and often more time then we anticipate. Seeing the fulfillment of it requires a willingness to wait for the blessing in due season. Levitcus 26:4 says "i will give you rain in due season", believe that God knows when we are ready and when everyone else involved is ready and when it fits into God's corporate plan, you will see your life change , you will see all those blessings God has promised.

Have faith today that God is working behind the scenes for you. enjoy where you are while your are on the way to where you are going. God's timing is perfect and being frustrated will not make him hurry Enjoy today because right now it's all you have!

Friday, January 13, 2012

speak God's love over your life

• Today, tune out those negative voices, and you will hear God’s voice, speaking blessings over you, speaking favor over you, infusing you with strength.

Because Jesus said-do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear only keep on believing(mark 5:36)

Psalm 138:8 says. His love for you endures forever. Let that promise fill you with hope!

• The power to see change in your life can be found in the words you speak. You have the power to set the destiny for your life by what comes out of your mouth.

Because what ever you ask for in prayer having FAITH and really believing you WILL RECEIVE (mathe21:22)

• Be confident that whatever comes your way today, you will be empowered to handle it.

Because the lord supported you He will lead you to a place of safety he will rescue you because HE DELIGHTS IN YOU!! (2sma22:19-20)