Tuesday, August 31, 2010


the real me is very unorganized, indecisive, and procrastinator. But that's not who i want to be. One day i attacked my closet with such force and anger, that i really was attacking my self, my old self. I hated the clutter. I decided to declutter my closet, i became obsessed with it. I tackled my whole house after. For few weeks i was a woman possessed, decluttering the house from top to bottom. but what i was doing was cleaning my soul, i asked myself 3 questions. is it useful, is it beautiful? does it add meaning to my life? ...
i was talking to my soul. I wanted to get rid of the anger, bitterness, resentment, loneliness inside me that was cluttering my soul, and spirit. decluttering forced me to let go of the past. It created an opening for a new me, a beginning to a new me. It never was about cleaning my closet but cleaning my life, my way of thinking, my soul. It was an opening to allow new experiences for leisure and romance, creativity and serenity. New hobbies new friends, new goals and a new vision. when you finally let go of the person you used to be, you get to discover the person you are now and the person you want to become.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Some people have a stronghold that tells them, "You're never going to be successful. You've just had too much come against you in life. You don't really have the education you need. You will never get married. You're not talented enough. You don't come from the right family.You will never get out of debt."
No, if you believe those lies, you will never reach your full potential. God's Word says that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! It doesn't matter where you've come from, you are well able to accomplish the dreams and desires He's placed in your heart.

I'm challenging you today to change your thinking and break those strongholds by the power of Almighty God. Breaking strongholds is like reprogramming a computer. You have to rewrite the information in your mind. It is not easy, and yes you are will have to practice and practice. You have to start thinking like God thinks by meditating on His Word. Focus on the truth that God is a good God, and He has a great plan. As you renew your mind to the Word of God, you will break those strongholds and set yourself on a path of victory in every area of your life!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


There was a time in my life that i felt alone, rejected, and just plain lonely. I felt moments of despair. i wanted to give up on life, on myself. Then when i look up at the heavens and scream and cry out father gods name something always happens. A burst of strength enters my body. The holy spirit stirs me up. I start to feel good and alive. In my spiritual walk, i have endured many things. But what i have learned is this..

Negative attitude and complaining will solve nothing, it will only bring me more negativity in your life. When you want to give up look up and cry for gods help, he is always there and ready to send you blessings. My attitude today is , Sinus infection, flue, pulled muscle, loneliness, finance issues. NO PROBLEM, So what i say, fear? who cares. I used to be afraid of loneliness and rejection , NOW no more. I speak up with no regrets , no fears no holding back. God is with me therefore who dares be against me. I enjoy the little blessings in my life and treasure it. shake off offenses and move on. i say if life is going to send you negativity so be it, just dig in your heels and move forward. god loves you and he has you at the palm of his hands . he is watching you and aligning all in your favor for great blessings.. all it takes is forgiveness's, kindness, and a little boldness.. god bless you my friends, and don't give up god is next to you behind you and all around you..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

quietness of the heart.

I've kept these words of an anonymous author in my heart:

Humility is perpetual quietness of heart.

is is to have no trouble

it is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore; to wonder at nothing that is done to me to feel nothing done against me, it is to be at rest when nobody praises me and when i am blamed or despised is is to have a blessed home in myself where i can go in and shut the door and kneel to my father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and about is seeming trouble.

that's what i truly want underneath my strong image all i want is to be at rest when nobody praises me i believe that is true freedom. sometimes i must ask god to point me to true north, true humility true peace. It doesn't matter one whit what anyone thinks of me i will be true to myself and god.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What is your dream.......

Are you willing to lay hold of your dreams?

I'm not talking about a wish – a wish is usually only a passing thought that most people never act on.

But a dream is something that captures your heart and spirit. It ignites your imagination and fills you with an unquenchable hope.

It becomes something you can't easily set aside.
Dreams consume your thinking and fuel your excitement and passion.

It can happen in a single moment, or it can captivate your thoughts for years.

Sometimes when the dream is really big, you embrace it, and somehow it feels like the dream embraces you.
Our dreams are often about experiencing a better life, about achieving greater things … they are pictures we have of the future that reveal a part of our lives that will be greater than the past.
It takes courage to dream.

Any time you dare to dream, there are risks involved.

What if it never happens? What if it costs too much? What if people laugh at you?
It's hard to hold on to your dreams. It's hard to believe when the world and those around you give you no reason to press in and press on.

I know in my life, I would never have realized some of the amazing dreams that God has blessed me with if it had not been for the encouragement of God, friends, and family.

I ask God, to speak words of hope, life and encouragement concerning my future.
I wish that everyone could have an encouraging voice like that in their life, but sometimes it's not always the case. In fact, sometimes those closest to you can actually be the biggest "unbelievers" of your dreams.
I believe that one thing God has called me to be is an encouraging voice in your life:

Let me encourage you:

a dream doesn't always have to be something spectacular like winning an Olympic medal or becoming president.
What's the vision from God that's captured your heart, that's lingered, that won't go away? Are you still holding on to it or have you let it go? If you have, the time has come to pick it back up again and reclaim your dream.

Don't let anything hold you back.

Don't let anyone keep you from dreaming.

The dreams God has given you are treasures worth living for.

They are worth the price, I promise!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is the grass greener on the other side....

it doesn't matter what has happened to you, it matters what you do with what has happened to you. Life is like a poker game. You don't get to choose the cards you are dealt, but it's entirely up to you how to play the hand. it is not our abilities that show what we try are it is our choices. Choice not chance, determines you destiny. It's up to you to decide what you are worth how you matter and how make meaning in the world. No one else has you gifts your set of talents ideas interest. You are an original a masterpiece. all my jobs prepared me for my life assignments.

You develop with each experience. No one feels completely confident or secure. We get mere moments of that. We're all afraid of making mistake that will ruin our lives. There's probably no such thing. Even if we made every mistake we feared would ruin us our lives wouldn't be ruined. they would be changed. We're all scared that we're doing it wrong, that people don like us, that we'll never be smart enough. don't fight it. make it roller-coaster scary. Enjoy the bumps, the wild turns, the ups and downs, the almost-lost-my-lunch lurches. Life will kick you around like a World Cup soccer ball. keep your bounce. enjoy the ride Fear and excitement are best friends. Don't try to fill anyone else's shoes. the world doesn't' need you to be Mother Teresa , Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Michael Jordan, Maya Angelou, or Bill Gates the world needs


Sunday, August 15, 2010

How long do we wait....

We'll call it the middle. In everything, there's a beginning, an end, and a middle. The beginning is sometimes a little bit exciting because it's a new thing. And the end is certainly exciting because it’s where we experience the victory. But, oh…that middle! The Saturdays may be even harder than the Fridays because on Saturday, we're in the grave and we’re not sure what’s going to happen next.Most of the time, we don’t know how long the middle's going to last, and although God knows…He's not telling. (Isn't He great at keeping secrets?) So we need to remember that when we’re going through the middle of something, we can be assured Sunday always comes after Friday. But we have to endure Saturday—we have to outlast the devil, remain in faith, patience and love When we do, we will enjoy the resurrection benefits and blessings that come on Sunday.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dont play it safe...

how often do we see this same scenario play out in our own lives? We set out to complete a mission and have our goal in mind only to run straight into a wall of fear. It doesn't take a television show to know how fear can block us from pursuing our dreams. Fear is the enemy of confidence, and it can keep you from your God-given destiny. The only way to break the power of fear and build confidence is to move forward. Confidence isn't built by playing it safe. It's not built when you simply stand still. It's built when you press past your fear.
Throughout life, we all have opportunities to either shrink back and settle where it's familiar, or we can take a step of faith and embrace the new things God has in store. Remember, you were never created to be stagnant. You were never created to take that "walk of shame;" you were created to win. Don't allow fear to hold you back. Keep stretching, keep growing, keep learning and tap into the confidence God has placed on the inside of you!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Take captive of every thought

So many people today are living far below the level that God intends simply because they allow negative thoughts to inhabit their minds. When negative thoughts take root in your thinking, they grow like weeds and ultimately direct your life. That's why the Bible tells us to take captive
every thought and make it obedient to the Word of God.
Think about it this way; if you went home today and noticed a rattlesnake in the corner of your living room, what would you do? You probably wouldn't just think, "Well, I'll get to that a little bit later. Let me watch the rest of the ballgame. Let me get a bite to eat, then I'll deal with that." No, you'd have a fit! You'd call 911or Billy the Exterminator. You'd get a neighbor to help you. You'd do anything you could to get that thing out. Why? Because it's something harmful, something destructive in your house. Well, those negative thoughts that the enemy feeds our minds can be just as harmful and destructive if we don't immediately get rid of them. Those negative thoughts can cause all kinds of problems and even steal our destiny. We need to have that same aggression, that same sense of urgency in dealing with negative thinking as we would
if we were dealing with a harmful snake.
The scripture says in Proverbs, "As a person thinks in his heart, so he will become." Let me ask you today, what's going on in your mind? Are you thinking good thoughts about yourself? Are you thinking positive thoughts about your future? Are there any negative thoughts that you need to get rid of? Start by speaking the Word of God over your life and declaring His victory. Every time a negative thought comes, chase it away with the Word of God. When you take captive every thought, you are reprogramming your mind and setting your life on the course of victory God has in store for you!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Words have power

“And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!” (James 3:10, NLT).
Did you know you have the power to bless or curse your future? Your words have tremendous power. If you go around saying things like “I don’t have what it takes. I’m so clumsy; I can’t get anything right. I’m so undisciplined. I’ll probably never lose this weight,” you just cursed your future. No, we’ve got to be extremely careful about what we allow to come out of our mouths. Realize your words are setting the direction for your life. Let me ask you today, which direction are you going? Are you declaring good things? Are you blessing your life, speaking words of faith over your future? Or, are you going around saying negative things like “Nothing good ever happens to me. I’ll probably never get out of debt. I’ll never break this addiction?” Today, choose to bless your future. Choose to declare what God says. As you align your words with His Word, you’re setting your future up for success. You’re preparing your way for victory, and you will fulfill the destiny He has planned for you!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Patience, Love and Faith.

What are the treasures that you're looking for in your life? The treasure of a restored relationship? The treasure of health? The treasure of a fulfilled dream? Hebrews 6:12 tells us that through faith and patience we will inherit God's promises.

How do you stay in faith when it's taking a long time and you don't see anything happening? Let patience have its perfect work. tell yourself every day, "This could be the day it turns around. This could be the day I start to feel better. This could be the day I get the phone call I've been waiting for." Keep standing, keep speaking, and keep believing because through faith and patience you will see His promises fulfilled

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your inner circle.

Your inner circle, those who are closest to you, should be people who celebrate who you are; people who are happy when you succeed. They should be people who believe the very best in you. Remember, it’s not the quantity of friends that’s important, it’s the quality of friends. Choose your friends wisely so you can be all that God has called you to be.

“…Do not throw your pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6, NAS).Do you realize you have treasure on the inside of you? You could say that your pearls are what God has given you to be a blessing to the world around you—your gifts, talents and abilities. When you get around true friends, people who really believe in you, they won’t be jealous of your gifts. They won’t constantly question who you are. They won’t try to talk you out of your dreams. It will be just the opposite. They’ll help you polish your pearls, develop your pearls, enhance your pearls, and grow your pearls. In other words, they’ll give you ideas. They’ll connect you with people they know. They’ll help push you further along. If you stay around people who don’t value your gifts nor appreciate what you have to offer, that’s casting your pearls among swine.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Two are better then One....

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"(Proverbs 18:24, NIV).

Do you know how important it is to be connected to the right people? Your destiny is too big to accomplish on your own. But God has already arranged for certain people to speak faith into you. He has already placed in your path people who will inspire you, challenge you and help you accomplish your dreams. But the reason some people never reach their highest potential is because they never get away from the wrong people.
Recognize today that not everyone can go where God is taking you. You've got to connect with people who understand your destiny and can call forth your seeds of greatness. You don't have time to spend on people who are always pushing you down, telling you what you can't do, or never giving you their approval no matter how hard you try. Friend, life is too short to drag people along. If you will get the wrong people out of your life, then God will bring in the right people so you can fulfill the destiny He has in store for you.