Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Out for my daily walk on the beach I made a new friend.

As he is patiently crawling his way to the other side  I was reminded that its ok to slow down and be still. Sometimes the last thing one wants is  to be is still and patient when our circumstances dictates otherwise; but my little friend reminded me that  even  if you must crawl your way out of one problem at a time its ok because GOD is with you;

Romans 5 3-4
Let us be full of joy let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings knowing that pressure and affliction and hardships produce PATIENCE and endurance- Endurance develops maturity of character - and character produces confidence.


  1. i loved reading this today. have i ever told you, how much joy you bring to my life? oh so much.

  2. I so needed to be constantly reminded. blessings.
