Tuesday, May 24, 2011

God has chosen you

you may feel like an "errand runner" or that life has overlooked you. You've done your best, but maybe you haven't seen the results you anticipated. Or maybe you've been through some disappointments and now you're tempted to think, Oh what's the use? I'll never get out of this situation. I'll never accomplish my dreams. But don't believe those lies! God hasn't overlooked you; in fact, He holds your future in the palm of His mighty hand!

Have confidence today because God has called you and chosen you. You are handpicked by Him, and He is ordering your steps. When you go through setbacks or when people leave you out, remember, God is working behind the scenes. He'll take what the enemy meant for harm in your life and turn it around for your good when all is said and done. Today, stay in faith, and keep moving forward one step at a time because you are chosen and equipped to overcome every obstacle in this life!

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit… (John 15:16, NIV).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Faith is the light that leads us out of the darkness and the map that guides our way. Without faith, we would likely pull over on the side of the road, give up and watch everyone else pass us by. Realize that faith is like a muscle; trouble and opposition may strain it, but in the end it will grow stronger.

Faith is that indescribable strength, that secret weapon of the soul, which allows us to persevere even when the facts seem damning and the truth unbearable. It is what keeps us going when travel conditions are unfavorable and we’re not sure we can continue.